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Less-Lethal Gear

Higher Purpose Training has no affiliation with any of these companies and receives no compensation from any companies for endorsing their products. We have simply had good experience with these companies’ products and desire for our students to have the best experiences training in class and invest only in quality gear. 


You can’t shoot every threat you run into. As national instructor Chuck Haggard would say, “you need something between a harsh word and a gun.” We recommend that you carry a defensive tool to protect against an ordinary or physical threat. The tool we recommend is OC spray. It is widely accepted in our society, so much so that it’s common to see spray in purses. It’s socially acceptable to do things like walk out to your car across the dreaded dark parking lot with your OC in hand. No one notices or cares. We recommend that you carry an OC as a defensive tool, even if you are carrying a gun. 


We recommend brands of OC that list a MSDS/SDS (safety data sheet) available on their website and list the Major Capsaicinoid Content (MCC) of the product of at least 0.7 to 0.8. OC spray canisters should have some sort of safety built into them to avoid accidental discharge. They should be small enough to clip into a pocket or to a key chain. We recommend streamer style OC sprays because they have a longer range and risk of cross contamination is much lower than with other types of OC sprays such as cones and they take effect faster than OC sprays such as gels. 


Our recommended OC spray is POM (Peace of Mind) OC. POM OC fulfills all of these requirements and is very affordable. Their canisters come in a variety of colors and carrying methods including pocket clips and keychain rings.  

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