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Stop Life Threatening Bleeding

This class uses a step-by-step procedure and skill guide to provide guidance for assessing, prioritizing, and stopping life-threatening bleeding based on scientific evidence, national guidelines, and the consensus of experts. This program has been approved by the HSI Medical Advisory Board and reviewed by the HSI Advisory Council. It conforms with the 2020 American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines Update for CPR and ECC and the annual Guidelines Update.


Course Topics Include
  • Assess the safety of the scene

  • Take standard precautions using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • Evaluate a person to determine whether they have life-threatening bleeding

  • Activate EMS and/or your emergency action plan (EAP)

  • Stop life-threatening bleeding by manual pressure, wound packing, pressure dressings and/or applying a tourniquet


Recommended Attire

We recommend that you wear comfortable, athletic clothing. When training with tourniquets in courses including bleeding control training (i.e. First Aid, Stop Life Threatening Bleeding, Wilderness First Aid, AVERT), be aware that the velcro on tourniquets can ruin fabric that it touches. (See Recommended Gear)


Valid For

2 Years


Course Length

1-1.5 Hours



Private Training (3 students or less): $60 per student

Group Training (4 students minimum): $30 per student


Sign Up For Training 

Most of our courses are offered by request. Check our calendar to see if we have any open enrollment offerings. To host a course for yourself, your family, school, church or business, please call or text Angelo at (702) 983-0469 or email at to discuss your training needs.

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